I am going to be busy for a few days, so take a seat and enjoy the view. I may be quiet but regular posts will still appear below this one…
If the view and the posts are not enough you could always pick up your favourite drink from the honesty bar in the lounge to help you soak up the atmosphere.
Being the first I’ll take the left side of the bench. Thanks. And as a Chinese speaking German would say: Möge de Übung gelingen. : )
I hope you enjoyed the conversations whilst relaxing on that bench
Busy as a bee, I bet, Cherry. You, too, enjoy YOUR view, whatever it will be.
Busy yes, you know me too well
My views over the last week have blown me away!! They have been inspiring
Shall wait till the cows come home.
The cows do come home over the hill in the photograph.
that your back yard ? nice view!
It is my home from home
Always nice to sit and rest awhile.
The rest is quite refreshing.
Hope you’re having a wonderful time and not climbing too many mountains!
We had a wonderful time. There were no mountains to climb
I think that i will take you up on the offer for a drink from the honesty bar and sit at the end of this table and enjoy the view until you return Cherie….peter:)
I hope you enjoyed the conversation
I’ll be sitting on the grass under those tree boughs in the distance, because if I sat on the seats I’d probably just cause an argument, and I’ll try not to say anything too irritating as I walk past with my drink from the bar.
I think you would enjoy sitting anywhere in that location. Wonderful atmosphere, interesting people and friends
What more could anyone want?
Is your fairly new Header banner photo Flodden Field? A sombre place
It is Flodden field, I placed it there before I went on my hols to my favourite place. The Sit & Rest a While photo in this post and the bench in my sidebar are both photos taken from the place I was staying.
Flodden Field is a somber place, very atmospheric. I always feel compelled to visit when I am in the area. This year (9th September) was the 500th anniversary of the battle and lots of events were going on. I chose to visit early in the morning, so I could reflect on the tragic occasion before the media circus arrived.