
Lured to Lucerne by the wealthy Ludwig Pfyffer von Altishofen, the Jesuits brought the Counter Reformation to Lucerne in the 17th century; the elaborate Jesuitenkirche, dedicated to Francis Xavier, was constructed in 1666. Architects from Italy and Austria built what many believe to be the most beautiful Baroque church in Switzerland.



9 Comments CherryPie on Oct 26th 2013

9 Responses to “Jesuitenkirche (Jesuit Church)”

  1. Amfortas says:

    A delightful building. The Jesuits get a lot of bad press, as befits a highly intellectually militant Catholic force. We really have to watch out for all those Theologians, Philosophers, Physicists, Chemists, Biologists, Astronomers, Space Engineers, Palaeontologists, and the like, especially when they build their ‘Top Secret’ HQs in the middle of cities and …. say Mass !! Crikey, some might even be ‘Men Going Their Own Way’, refusing to marry, eschewing Feminism, even disliking… homosexuality ! And abortion !! Keep an eye on them.


    • CherryPie says:

      It is a delightful building, although I found the inside a little over done. The inside was very elaborate and reminded me of a Wedding Cake.

      You mean I missed my opportunity to photograph all the secrets ;-)

  2. james higham says:

    Least said about the Jesuits the better.

  3. Ayush says:

    great views. i like how you have progressively stepped back to give a wider picture of the surroundings.

  4. J_on_tour says:

    I particularly like the towers against the sky backdrop in the first one, they have a certain elegance about them.