Today I am spending the day in Nottingham with my brother to celebrate his birthday and tomorrow is the long awaited Shutterchance meet up at Cosford Museum. As a non shutterchancer I will be gatecrashing the meetup again
12 Comments CherryPie on May 10th 2014
We are still un Telford… not far from your doorstep Cherie… i am looking forward to meeting up with you tomorrow….peter:)
I didn’t realise you would be staying near me! I am looking forward to meeting you and Penny too. Mr C is coming will be there also be there.
The plane in this photo is my favourite in the Cosford collection, be sure to look out for it
That looks an interesting place to visit, Ian rather interested in aviation so maybe a trip to put on the list…good photography again Cherie,
A good time was had by all
oh yes, have a great time ahead. and i think the venue will serve as a great subject to be viewed through the lens of many
I am looking forward to seeing everyone’s photographs. I didn’t take many new one myself as I have been there often.
Oh did you see the pub/ church in Nottingham?

I went to see their castle too
And their windmill
No we didn’t go into town. I haven’t visited the castle or seen the windmill either
Ahaahah! Found you at last (after spending a while looking at other Cherry Pie blogs!). Thanks for looking after me at RAF Cosford; it was a great day to catch up with everyone – eventually!
It was lovely to meet you and spend some time with you.
It was a great meet up catching up with friends old and new. Looking forward to the next one
Wow, impressive machine. This weekend is a busy one, I booked for a social weekend with acquaintances in Whitchurch, not sure if that’s near you. Hope it turns out ok as I’ve turned down some more recent short notice arrangements with friends.
As soon as I finish this set of blogs & posting my own I’ll be packing the car and off.
Witchurch is about a 40 minute drive away from where I live.
The plane is huge!