Durin's Door

My medal for the second stage of my Lord of the Rings challenge has arrived.


I travelled from Bree  to Rivendell where I accepted the challenge to carry the One Ring to Mordor, At Rivendell a Fellowship, the Fellowship of the Ring was forged to help me on my quest.


The Fellowship has now arrived at Durin’s door. The doorway leads into the mines of Moria. Gandalf is figuring out what magic is needed to open the keyless elven door.

6 Comments CherryPie on Jun 22nd 2022

6 Responses to “The Fellowship of the Ring”

  1. Ayush says:

    oh this looks very good, CP. i think you are well inspired for this challenge – all the best!

    • CherryPie says:

      I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I first read it in my teens.

      I still have the old book that my mum and dad bought me for my thirteenth birthday.

  2. Steve Hayes says:

    Interesting exercise!

    • CherryPie says:

      It is a fun idea, especially as I am a fan of Tolkien’s works.

      Then to combine that with a walking challenge was just to good an opportunity to miss :-)

  3. The Yum List says:

    What a fun way to see the countryside!