
Setting up my laptop is still a work in progress but I am slowly getting there. Obtaining photo editing software is top of my list, I will be sticking with Photoshop Elements. Why change from something I have used for many years? I am also looking into a free video editing programme so that I can get back to creating videos and slideshows which I haven’t done for several years.

Another top priority is a USB hub to connect all my desk devices to, making it easier for me to unplug and use my laptop and use it elsewhere without additional devices attached.

Setting Up.

Photos of my Easter weekend are coming soon, subject to photo editing software.

6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 16th 2023

6 Responses to “Unboxing and Setting Up”

  1. Mark in Mayenne says:

    I use GIMP as a free photo editing software. If you find à good video Editor, please let me know.

  2. Welcome back! Can’t wait to see your Easter photos.

  3. Shabana says:

    congratulations for new laptop dear Cheri :)
    looks great i wonder what brand is it

    i hope you will be able to process everything soon and smoothly :)
    hugs and best wishes !

    • CherryPie says:

      It is an independent company UK company that build their own specifications. I got a few things upgraded on mine to accomodate what I use it for.

      Thank you :-)