Archive for the tag 'Doddington Hall & Gardens'

Remaining faithful to the original Elizabethan layout, mellow walls provide the framework for the formal East Front and West Gardens. Beyond the West Gardens begin the lovingly restored Wild Gardens. Over the generations, most recently by Antony and Victoria Jarvis and Claire and James Birch, the gardens at Doddington have been restored, cared for, nurtured [...]

12 Comments CherryPie on Apr 28th 2015

…Easter Day

I was awoken by the sound of crockery crashing to the floor in the corridor outside the room. I dismissed that idea and decided the staff were being noisy tidying up the crockery trolley I had seen on the landing the previous evening. I went back to sleep and the next sound I heard [...]

6 Comments CherryPie on Apr 10th 2015