Rain was gently falling when I woke up so there was no chance for a last linger on the roof terrace, although when the rain stopped I went outside and could almost smell the fresh air (I have no sense of smell). The service at breakfast was quicker than it had been on the previous [...]
Archive for the tag 'Ghost'
17 Comments CherryPie on Oct 6th 2018
Filed under Anecdotes, Crookham 2009, Holidays, Science & Nature
Chillingham Castle
One of my ‘must places to visit’ when I was on my hols in Northumberland was Chillingham Castle because it sounded so interesting. It had the reputation of one of the most haunted castles which I was skeptical about, thinking it a marketing ploy. I will now give you the information I wrote in [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Dec 19th 2009