Archive for the tag 'Knaresborough Castle'
Filed under Harrogate 2021, Heritage, Holidays
Knaresborough Remembrance Display
4 Comments CherryPie on Nov 24th 2021
Filed under Harrogate 2020, Heritage, Holidays
Knaresborough Castle &
…Courtroom Museum
There has been a castle in Knaresborough for over 900 years. Over the centuries there have been significant periods of building and repair work as the castle was adapted to meet changing military requirements, fashions and historic events.
The early castle
We know very little about the castle’s origins but there may have been an Anglo-Saxon [...]
Comments Off CherryPie on Nov 21st 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Harrogate 2020, Holidays
Harrogate – Day Three
After breakfast our first port of call was Ripley where we enjoyed a stroll round the village. Although Mr C wasn’t particularly taken with it, I enjoyed the church which had some interesting historical features including the base of a medieval cross known as ‘the weeping cross’ and which is thought to be a unique [...]
4 Comments CherryPie on Oct 8th 2020