The state pension: below the poverty line
UK pensioner poverty is among the worst in Europe – only Cyprus, Latvia and Estonia abandon their pensioners to a greater degree. France spends over twice as much on pensions as the UK, Germany two-thirds more.
It is simply not true to say that the UK cannot afford [...]
The scandal of private sector pensions
The collapse of private sector pensions is one of the greatest outrages of our time. Just over a decade ago nearly half of all private sector workers were in a workplace pension scheme; today it is only a third. The cost of that decline will be borne by the taxpayer [...]
Public sector pensions: affordable and sustainable
The pensions of public sector workers have come under intense scrutiny in recent months, with ministers and the media describing them as ‘gold-plated’ and ‘unaffordable’. Currently public sector workers are being told they must pay more and work longer for a lower pension – but is this necessary?
Last year [...]
A booklet entitled ‘Fair Pensions for All‘ has been produced by PCS, the general union Unite, the National Union of Teachers (NUT), the University and College Union (UCU) and the National Pensioners’ Convention (NPC). It looks at both private and public sector pensions and reveals a different point of view than the one [...]
Yesterday was extremely busy and involved me getting up at the crack of dawn, which is unheard of for me. The Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union took joint industrial action with three teachers unions (National Union of Teachers (NUT), University and College Union (UCU) and Association of Teacher and Lecturers (ATL)). These unions are [...]
A letter published in the Financial Times on 25th February 2011 exposes the myth of the Public Sector stereotype:
Looking to hire? You’ll get a great recruit from the public sector
From Mr Ian Watmore,
Sir, I read Brian Groom’s report (February 21) on the perceived limited employability of public servants in the private sector with great dismay. [...]
I had another busy day in Birmingham yesterday. It started off with packed standing room only on the train because there were only two carriages rather than the usual four but at least it ran on time. Just after I got on a lady got up and insisted that I have her seat [...]