For some reason I was feeling out of sorts when I woke up, possibly because I could feel the beginnings of the lurgy coming on. We were a little late for breakfast but thankfully there was only a small queue.
After breakfast we had planned to catch the ferry to Birgu but the plan was flexed [...]
Archive for the tag 'Prosecco'
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, Malta 2023
Malta – Day Seven
4 Comments CherryPie on Nov 24th 2023
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, Ravello 2017
Prosecco on the Balcony
As we finish our Christmas celebrations and start to focus on New Year celebrations I am reminded of my holiday plans for the coming year.
We hope to visit Lincoln at Easter so that we can partake in the Easter morning communion service and we are planning to continue our travels in Italy from where we [...]
22 Comments CherryPie on Dec 27th 2017
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, Ravello 2017
Ravello – Day Six
This morning I had forgotten to put the alarm on but, luckily, I woke up anyway. Straight after breakfast we made our way to the bus stop to try our luck at catching a bus to Amalfi. After a few minutes we learned from someone else in the queue that the bus had left seven [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Oct 25th 2017