Archive for the tag 'Schoolreaders'

After my volunteering shift at Attingham Park it was good to be able to set off for a walk, my first opportunity for two days. On Sunday we had a lovely family gathering to celebrate my brother’s birthday and on Monday I accompanied my mum to the hospital plaster room after her recent fall.
The blooms [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on May 14th 2024

On my walk to a local school for my weekly afternoon session listening to children read I noticed these beautiful spring blooms.

Later in the day I donned my new reversible wrap skirt to dine in a local restaurant, the Orange House. The restaurant provides a Tapas menu and we have been meaning to visit since [...]

8 Comments CherryPie on May 2nd 2024

I am really enjoying my volunteering opportunity in Visitor Reception at Attingham Park. I work alongside some lovely people both permanent staff and volunteers.
I am so grateful for this opportunity to fulfil one of the aspirations I held when I took early retirement.
My post volunteering walks are a bonus but… I am already thinking towards [...]

14 Comments CherryPie on Apr 23rd 2024

After sorting some things out for mum I had a window of opportunity for an impromptu walk at Trench middle pool which was on my way home.

I parked my car in such a way that I needed to open the door to the full extent to avoid stepping into a puddle and half way round [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on Apr 17th 2024

I have now completed my pledge to walk 150 miles between the 1st May and 19th June in support of the School Readers Charity. I will be able to add a few more miles to the total milage of all participants before the challenge ends.
I have now had my interview that will hopefully lead to [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on Jun 15th 2023

… in my Race for Reading walking challenge

I had a slight setback on Saturday when I had to stay at home for a parcel delivery. Mr C had once again ordered something that was due for delivery when he was out and about. The latest time for the delivery was 12.40 leaving me plenty of [...]

2 Comments CherryPie on May 30th 2023

The weather was glorious so we visited Hampton Court in Hope Under Dinmore, Herefordshire. We had lunch in the orangery where I chose a Coronation Chicken sandwich before taking a guided tour of the castle. After the castle tour we enjoyed a walk around the gardens which are currently between seasons.  The maze and its [...]

10 Comments CherryPie on May 8th 2023

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