Reached between the tides via a short causeway, St. Mary’s has all the fascination of a miniature, part-time island. The Lighthouse, completed in 1898 on a hazardous coast for shipping, remained operational until 1984 when it was superseded by modern navigational techniques. Since then the Lighthouse and former keepers’ cottages have been operated as a [...]
Archive for the tag 'St Mary’s Lighthouse'
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, Jesmond Dene & Cornhill 2018
St Mary’s Lighthouse
16 Comments CherryPie on Oct 24th 2018
After I was dressed I took advantage of the roof terrace as the sun emerged before it was time for breakfast. It was wonderful. The breakfast wasn’t quite Fawlty Towers but the service was a little slow and the requested brown sauce arrived after Mr C had eaten his breakfast. The food, however, was excellent.
After [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Oct 3rd 2018