I awoke abruptly at 1am in the morning to the sound of what I soon realized was the fire alarm going off. We both leaped out of bed just as the alarm stopped ringing so I returned to bed and when I was satisfied it was a false alarm I went back to sleep. I [...]
Archive for the tag 'Vampire Rabbit'
Filed under Anecdotes, Art, Holidays, Newcastle 2015
Newcastle – Day Four
22 Comments CherryPie on Nov 3rd 2015
When I got up in the morning and looked out of the window I noticed that the weather had changed to rain. After breakfast, equipped with raincoat and umbrella, I left the hotel and set off towards Grey Street to see the monument. Luckily on this occasion the scaffolding had gone so I could enjoy [...]
22 Comments CherryPie on Sep 17th 2013
Filed under Art, Holidays, Newcastle 2013
Behind the Cathedral…
…is the Vampire Rabbit of Amen Corner!
The rabbit (or is it a hare?) sits atop a very ornate doorway which is the entrance to an office. Although there are many theories nobody seems to know the meaning of the strange creature…
Bloody fanged Hares used in 1900 architecture
Strange Creature
14 Comments CherryPie on Apr 2nd 2013