
From the top of the triumphal arch in Brussels the ground seems very low and the car underpass even lower still. The arch was erected in 1905 and is the centre piece of the Parc du Cinquantenaire  (Jubelpark), which is an urban park of 30 hectares. The park is home to three museums and a mosque.

If you look closely you 4 people meditating in the middle of the grass, they looked like statues. Lots of passers by stopped and did a double take just to be sure they weren’t.


Triumphal Arch

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

22 Comments CherryPie on Aug 7th 2009

22 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Low”

  1. Mar says:

    What wonderful shots for the theme! I see the 4 people meditating, something I still haven’t learned how to!
    Happy hunting and happy weekend.

  2. Annie says:

    Great shots. Glad you pointed out the meditators!

  3. Phidelm says:

    Great shots, as always. And, yes, I’m glad you alerted us to the meditating quartet! Thank you,Cherie – and bon weekend.

  4. Great take on the theme Cherie

  5. those are great pictures and perfect for the theme. Happy PH!

  6. ubermouth says:

    I love that first photo Cherie. Did you take it?

  7. jameshigham says:

    From the top of the triumphal arch in Brussels the ground seems very low and the car underpass even lower still.

    Hmmmmm – not sure if you get away with it this time. Thank for your story contribution too, Cherie. :)

  8. jmb says:

    Very good choice for this theme Cherie. A wonderful view for you and a nice place for the meditation crew.

    Happy weekend to you.

  9. Amazing how everything is so geometric! Great photos!

    Mine’s up, too! I hope you can visit.
    Have a great weekend!
    Mrs. Mecomber

  10. Brita says:

    Great take on the theme. Beautiful shots.

  11. Great shots. Love the people meditating.