Good friends are good for your health.
Irwin Sarason
Filed under Holidays, Malmesbury 2009
Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week
26 Comments CherryPie on Aug 9th 2009
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
Filed under Holidays, Malmesbury 2009
Good friends are good for your health.
Irwin Sarason
Tags: Abbey House Garden, Cherie's Place Thought, Flower, Malmesbury, Weekend away
26 Comments CherryPie on Aug 9th 2009
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They very much are and you’re one of them.
As are you
What a lovely thought!
I think so
That is so true
Glad you like it
Thank you for this one, Cherie: personally it’s timely, and good friends are crucial to anyone’s wellbeing.
The quotes are being posted one a week in the order that they appear on my website. The fact that it was this one’s turn made me think of you when I posted it
Strange co-incidences!
That is true. Good friends and white knights- who could ask for more?
White Knights are always something quite special to have around
Beautiful foxglove!
Thank You
Quite, CherryPie.
Good is redundant, though.
Friends are always good.
Those who with hindsight often are refered to as false friends, are not thought of as good, and thus not as friends.
Ahem, a non-native speaker who’s maltreating the English language ought to be very careful and think twice as he could easily become second in a nitpicking contest, hm? The more when – wantonly or not (?):) – peppering his comment with redundancies, himself.
Ha ha ha …
Now that you mention it the first ‘good’ is redundant!
With regards to the false friends maybe an earlier quote covers that just a little…
The friendship that can cease has never been real.
Saint Jerome
I love the way you treat the English language, you are much better at it than a lot of the people who live here
They so are ..and bad friends are bad for your health too
Fantastic photo BTW did you take it ??
Bad ‘friends’ drag you down. Need to move on from that.
Yes I did take the photo,nearly all the pics on my blog are taken by me, even the pics of me
True, CherryPie! As I’m getting older, and living longer than some of my friends, I realise how privileged I have been to befriend special people along the way. I miss them so, and appreciate even more the few left, and new people, ready to share a thought, or two, nearby and long distance. Wonderful to find people like you, on the Internet. Thank you for the superb flower.
Thank You Claudia I always feel privileged to have met my friends too, they all bring something special to my life (near or far). The ones who have gone are always still with me and are part of me.
I am glad you enjoyed the flower too.
excellent quote, and lovely photo.
Glad you enjoyed it
A perfect foxglove!
Thanks Liz
The second complements [?] the first perfectly. Thanks, CherryPie; and also for your kind words.
You are most welcome
wonderful shot for friendship !!!
and it’s growing up oh yeahhhhhhhh !!!
So glad you like it sending you lots of love and hoping you have a great weekend xoxoxoxoxoxoxox