This is pretty neat so please don’t cheat by scrolling down first!
It will take you less than a minute and is fun (especially for chocoholics).
Work it out as you go along. Calculators are allowed!
1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than 10)
2. Multiply this number by 2
3. Add 5
4. Multiply it by 50 — I’ll wait while you get the calculator
5. If you have already had your birthday this year add 1759 and if you haven’t , add 1758
6. Now subtract the four digit year that you were born
You should have a three digit number, the first digit of this was your original number (i.e., how many times you want to have chocolate each week).
The next two numbers are…
The Chocolate Calculator – spread the word
H/T Pupazz
After seeing all these scrumptious pics I had to add another number…
The age was right and I ain’t tellin’ LOL
I am not telling either
Why on earth this evening while I have toothache? Aaagh – I can’t look at my favourite foodstuff.
I was expecting you to not get distracted by the choccie pics and tell me how the maths worked!!!
Haha Good one Cherie and it’s quite correct!
Made me smile, I still can’t figure out how it works LOL
I was too tired to do the maths but now I am craving chocolate.
Is it only me that didn’t get distracted by the chocolate? I just wanted to get to the bottom of the puzzle!
Sorry, I phased out and started drooling at picture 3, what was the question?
Ahh you too got weak at the knees at the thought of chocolate
Amazing, Cherie – but how on earth do the calculations work? Will be sure to get latest lot of iron rations @ chocolatier tomorrow …
I have no idea how it works I wish I could figure it out.
Some of the pictures are rather tasty aren’t they?
Yum, yum, I’ve come over all religious all of a sudden…
Chocolate Koran
Very impressive, it must have taken a lot of chocolate to make that!
That was fun! I love the chocolate calculator.
I thought it was fun too
Yes! Very ingenious. I’m sure these things are very logical really but it certainly seems like magic!
It does appear like magic
I was hoping for someone out there to explain it to me LOL
Well, you need three variables.
x for how often you think of choc,
y for the year of your birth
z for either 1759 or 1758
And here we go:
(2x + 5) 50 + z – y
It works as long you are not 100 years and older. In this case you’d have to vary a bit.
Ah, math is so sweet.
And so is this post which I enjoyed very much.
Ahh thank you
Does the z variable have to change each year or is that fixed?
I always did struggle to make sense of math
Well, next year z has to stand for 1760 respectively 1759, so that you will get either 2010 (had already birthday)or 2009 (had no birthday yet):
Example (leaving the subtraction of one’s year of birth aside):
(2x + 5) 50 + z
100 x + 250 + 1760 / 1759 = 2010 /2009
and so forth: in 2015 z becomes 2015 / 2014, in 2525 it becomes 2525 / 2524.
Ahh! Thank you, now it makes sense
Of course, in 2015 to get 2015 respectively 2014 z has to become 1765 / 1764.
I understood what you meant
I am thankful for math persons.
You made it out so simply…to see the algebra makes sense; to come up with it initially, is another story…
Hi CherryPie,
my comment the other day must not have posted…so, ‘thanks, this was fun!’
The comments do occasionally go a little quirky. I occasionally get threads where the comments won’t let me comment on my own blog!
Glad you enjoyed it and I am glad Sean explained how it worked
Thanks, CherryPie – I enjoyed the chocolate illustrations immensely. I actually had to buy some sweets after I viewed your post. But I didn’t do the calculation. I’m terrible at math. Even Sean’s brilliant exposé would not convince me to try. The point is I’m not interested at all in finding out how old I am. The less I know on that subject, the better I feel.
There are some good ones in there (non of them mine). I don’t know how I managed to post it, I am supposed to be on a diet
Maths isn’t my favourite subject either.