
Just got back from a break in Northumberland, so I am busy catching up with everything and everyone. I managed to take over 400 photographs, so they are going to take a lot of sorting out!!!

Here is one to be going on with. It is from the ruined Etal castle, showing traces of its long gone spiral staircase twisting up into the sky. There will be a some more photos of the castle in due course with a little bit of background history.

Twisting Skyward

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

47 Comments CherryPie on Sep 25th 2009

47 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Twisted”

  1. Annie says:

    Wow, what a gorgeous photo. Love the shapes and the colors. Hope you had a great trip!

  2. Mar says:

    Great take on the theme and fantastic shot! good luck with your many pictures, happy PH and happy weekend!

  3. jameshigham says:



  4. julie says:

    Wow, that must be a wonderful trip you had :)

    Happy weekend!

  5. I like Cherie. Nice take on the theme

  6. I meant I like it although I like Cherie too!

  7. Sean Jeating says:

    For a change, I do agree with him: Like Jams O’Donnell Esq. I do like both the pic and you, Cherie.

  8. Claudia says:

    Fascinating photo. Can hardly wait to see more of the Castle.

  9. jmb says:

    Glad you had a wonderful break Cherie and this a perfect photo for the theme.
    Happy weekend.

  10. Ellee says:

    I love castles. Castle Rising is wonderful in Norfolk. Let me know when you can visit, and we will get Sally and Geoff to join us too.

  11. Phidelm says:

    There’s so much to see up there. Glad you enjoyed your break – perfect time of year for it. Great pic, Cherie – rather surreal, that ruin, adding to the excellent interpretation. More, please – how about a ‘best of’ the 400 :-) ? Gan canny, bonny lass.

    • CherryPie says:

      More will be coming in the next few days and weeks ;-) Best of the 400? I think I would need to get my readers to take a vote on that, I am far to indecisive – or maybe biased because they are my photos ;-)

  12. gengen says:

    What a good choice for twisted nice shot….Happy hunting!

  13. ubermouth says:

    That’s a beautiful castle but such a pity to see them in ruins[when you think of the hard work that went into them].

    • CherryPie says:

      They were built as defence against war, but the war seemed to do for them in the end. I do find ruins more beautiful than an in tact castle. Maybe because there is more of a story to tell…

  14. Heidi says:

    What a beautiful twisted tower! I love the picture!
    If you’d like to stop by my blog I’m at Cake Crumbs.

  15. bonggamom says:

    That must have been so beautiful once.

    My twisted Photo Hunt entry is up!

  16. Lisa says:

    Beautiful photo.

  17. mariposa says:

    Woah! That’s an awesome shot!

  18. A. says:

    I love the shot. And because I love castles too, I’ll be back to find out more!

  19. Great take on the theme. Like you I enjoy exploring ruins. Look forward to seeing the rest of the castle.

  20. Randi says:

    What a beautiful twister ruin!

  21. kim says:

    Things like this just give me chills. Do you wonder how many feet walked up that staircase? How many hands touched those bricks? Great shot!