
PCS Article – Media Myths About Civil & Public Services:

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2 Comments CherryPie on Feb 24th 2010

2 Responses to “Media Myths About Civil & Public Services – The Index”

  1. Bernard says:

    I know this subject is no laughing matter. But please forgive me if I can show you (tongue in cheek), how we go to this state today.

    “One civil servant with nothing to do
    Got an assistant, and then there were two!
    Two civil servants kept the job alive
    ‘Til more were appointed’ and then there were five!
    Five civil servants slaving with the pen
    Formed a department, and then there were ten!
    Ten civil servants, you’d think would be plenty
    But being a department, extended to twenty!
    Twenty civil servants with a head so haughty
    Doubled this number and then there were forty!
    Forty civil servants with reasons good and weighty,
    Needed assistants, and then there were eighty!

    So the game went on and on….it’s really rather fun
    To make a hundred little jobs when only needing one!”

    Now Cherie, please don’t take me seriously….please don’t
    Cheers Unc. B