PCS Article – Media Myths About Civil & Public Services:
- Myth 1: civil and public servants are well paid
- Myth 2: civil service pensions are ‘gold plated’
- Myth 3: civil and public servants are secure in their jobs
- Myth 4: privatisation
TUC Articles – Speak up for Public Services:
- Exploding Public Sector Pensions Myths Part 1 – The Attacks
- Exploding Public Sector Pensions Myths Part 2 – MYTH 1 The cost of public sector pensions is spiralling out of control
- Exploding Public Sector Pensions Myths Part 3 – MYTH 2 Savings could be made by replacing final salary (defined benefits) schemes by a defined contribution scheme
- Exploding Public Sector Pensions Myths Part 4 – MYTH 3 The discrepancy between private and public sector pensions needs to be tackled by punishing the public sector
- Exploding Public Sector Pensions Myths part 5 – MYTH 4 Most public sector workers retire at 60 on two thirds of their final salary
- Exploding Public Sector Pensions Myths Part 6 – MYTH 5 It is unfair that public sector workers benefit from “gold plated” pensions
- Exploding Public Sector Pensions Myths Part 7 – MYTH 6 The Private Sector props up the Public Sector
- Exploding Public Sector Privatisation Myths – Part 1 – Summary
- Exploding Public Sector Privatisation Myths – Part 2 – The push to privatisation
- Exploding Public Sector Privatisation Myths – Part 3 – MYTH 1 During the economic downturn, the best way to save money is to privatise public services
- Exploding Public Sector Privatisation Myths – Part 4 – MYTH 2 The private sector costs less than the public sector to deliver services and is more efficient
- Exploding Public Sector Privatisation Myths – Part 5 – MYTH 3 Competition is the best way to improve public services
- Exploding Public Sector Privatisation Myths – Part 6 – MYTH 4 The private sector is more responsive to service users’ individual needs
- Exploding Public Sector Privatisation Myths – Part 7 – MYTH 5 The public sector has a worse productivity record than the private sector
- Exploding Public Sector Privatisation Myths – Part 8 – MYTH 6 “Back-office” functions can be outsourced without impacting on front-line services
Miscellaneous Articles:
- Media Myths & the Civil Service Again (the proposed reform of the civil service compensation scheme)
- Media Myths About Civil & Public Services – Part 6 (exposing the myth that civil servants are paid more than private sector counter parts)
- Media Myths About Civil & Public Services – MoD Bonuses
- Media Myths – MoD Budget
- Media Myths – MoD Pay, Pensions and Bonuses
- The Media and the Myths Revisited (Looking for a good hire? you will get a great recruit from the public sector)
I know this subject is no laughing matter. But please forgive me if I can show you (tongue in cheek), how we go to this state today.
“One civil servant with nothing to do
Got an assistant, and then there were two!
Two civil servants kept the job alive
‘Til more were appointed’ and then there were five!
Five civil servants slaving with the pen
Formed a department, and then there were ten!
Ten civil servants, you’d think would be plenty
But being a department, extended to twenty!
Twenty civil servants with a head so haughty
Doubled this number and then there were forty!
Forty civil servants with reasons good and weighty,
Needed assistants, and then there were eighty!
So the game went on and on….it’s really rather fun
To make a hundred little jobs when only needing one!”
Now Cherie, please don’t take me seriously….please don’t
Cheers Unc. B
It is a serious subject but humour always points out the reality of the situation How the government had messed up public services totally!!!
Your little ditty also reminds me of two I posted on my previous blog
10 Civil Servants Standing in a Line
Is this the True Defence Costs Study?