
Apparently there has been a daily feeding of the deer at Attingham Park recently.  I didn’t notice this activity when I visited last weekend, I did however still get to see the deer close up.

Wrekin View

Click here to view a larger version.

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

33 Comments CherryPie on Feb 26th 2010

33 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Daily”

  1. That is a pleasing sight. I bet the deer are happy too!

    • CherryPie says:

      It was quite an amazing surprise. I wasn’t going to go into the deer park. I went to the weir and pool and I just got an urge to just venture on the first leg of the deer park walk!

  2. jameshigham says:

    You didn’t get to ride one then?

  3. Claudia says:

    Beautiful sight! I hope they’re happy, and have lots of space to wander about.

  4. YTSL says:

    Beautiful shot! The herd sure looks well fed and healthy. :)

  5. jmb says:

    What a lovely photo and it looks as if they live in a very nice spot as well as getting a daily feeding!

    Happy weekend to you Cherie.

  6. Sassy mom says:

    Lovely sight and nice shot!

    here’s my entry

  7. MTG says:

    A glimpse of these shy creatures is delightful but I would not visit a park where souvenir joints of venison are available for a later gastronomical encounter.

  8. Annie says:

    Wow what an amazing and beautiful sight!

  9. Wow! Look at all of them!

    Deer are an almost daily nuisance around here. They eat everything in my gardens, even stuff the experts say repel deer!

    I played, too. :)

    • CherryPie says:

      These are mostly contained within the park although I have on one occasion seen one of them running along the road in front of me one night. It then disapeared into someone’s garden.

  10. bing says:

    this is very lovely!

  11. Chrissy says:

    They are lovely aren’t they……and nice to see the snow on the Wrekin behind. I have a similar one where it looks almost blue. Why do people feel the need to walk up? The same happened on the day I went, some parents let their children go running up…
    sad for everyone and the animals that want to eat their carrots in peace ;) I struggle to understand the mentality because then either leave or just move further back.
    I think they do have vension for sale but they have so many, I think that they would have to cull them otherwise they would become a problem. There are hundreds of them!

    • CherryPie says:

      I have no idea why people do silly things like walk right up to the animals. It just spoiled it for everyone else especially the ones who had only just got there and were still trying to take photos.

  12. Phidelm says:

    Ah at last: the Wrekin ;-) ! Gorgeous shot of the deer. Grew up near a place where fallow deer roamed wild and haven’t seen any of the breed for years, so this is a treat: thank you.

  13. That’s neat that they feed the dear daily like that. Very pretty. Sorry I’m a day late getting to your post, but great take on the theme.

  14. -eve- says:

    Ohhh… this one is magical :-) . I love the way the light falls, and how the deer are silhouetted against the horizon.