The walks around Attingham are lovely at this time of year. For the first time I have managed to catch the snowdrops when there were at their best. I had the added bonus of snow on the ground and the sun blazing away overhead. The perfect setting to get some inspirational photo ideas.

It was lucky I able to go last week because this Sunday I will be in the hospital for the 4th time this week awaiting blood test results (not mine). Something that you are told takes 45 minutes seems to take literally hours for some reason…  The nurses however are all lovely :-)

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Remnants of Snow

24 Comments CherryPie on Feb 27th 2010

24 Responses to “Attingham – The Snowdrop Walk”

  1. Marta says:

    Those are some beautiful animals. That is a beautiful park. I also love the pictures of the snowdrops. We had some snowdrops planted in our yard but they have not come up this year. I was so disappointed.

  2. Yvonne says:

    THe snow drops are beautiful! I so love early spring

  3. mutley says:

    Its amazing how they survuive and grow isnt it?

  4. jameshigham says:

    The colours are superb. You have quite an eye for them. Hang in there tomorrow.

  5. Now that is a sight to delight the soul

  6. MTG says:

    Nice people love a walk in the woods.

  7. Calumcarr says:

    Lovely photos: top one is fabulous.

  8. luisa brehm says:

    so cool to have snow there, Fairy ;-) )))))))))))))))))
    wwwwwonderful shots !!!
    just to give lots of love and kissesssssssssssssssssssss
    magiccccccccccccccccccccc sunday !!!!

    i’m not much here lately, it’s this crazy weather and my robot hates it ….

  9. Phidelm says:

    Beautiful photos, Cherie – thank you so much for posting them for us all to enjoy. Hope you keep your spirits up tomorrow; will be thinking of you xx.

  10. Claudia says:

    Hymn to spring, to hope and rebirth.

  11. anne says:

    I haven’t seen any snowdrops yet this year, must keep an eye out. I have seen some buds coming through in my garden, might be daffs or something else. Thanks for sharing these wonderful photos.

    Thank you for comment today, yes we had a great time :-)

  12. Absolutely beautiful captures! I wish I was seeing some of these peeping up around here :)