My brother seems to have been quite taken with my recent sunset picture. As he was leaving my house last night he commented on how beautiful the moon was and suggest that I take a photograph of it.

It was rather late at night and I didn’t think it was quite the thing to be setting up a tripod in the middle of the street at that time. Hand held shots were never going to work but I did try a couple just in case. I resorted to plan B, Gorrillapod on the upstairs window ledge which gave me the challenge of taking a photo through glass.  I managed to capture the clouds which had attracted my brother’s attention and also minimised the reflections.  But then there is that rather unusual double moon effect!


16 Comments CherryPie on Apr 28th 2010

16 Responses to “Moonlight”

  1. Claudia says:

    A great shot! Beautiful and amusing. A bit like the moon is carrying a small baby moon…:-)

  2. MTG says:

    When you seee this effect outside it is time to cease partying and find one’s way home.

  3. Andrew Scott says:

    What planet are you on?

  4. jameshigham says:

    Yes, two moons, that’s right – we are, after all, in a parallel universe now.

  5. JD says:

    your moon has its own moon….
    try a longer lens and see if the little moon also has its own moon..
    and so on…
    and on….
    and on

    who knows where it will end

  6. -eve- says:

    The moon is so bright! And I like the way the houses and trees look in the moonlight, also :-)

  7. Ah you have discovered our lost scond moon Cherie!

  8. i like night shots like this. you have captured quite a few different lights here and the moon turned out nicely