Bank holiday Monday meant a further pause on sorting out details for my Dad’s funeral etc. The day was so beautiful so there was no point stopping at home doing nothing so I decided a day out was in order (well just going out for lunch and the afternoon really ;-) ). It is the time of year for bluebells so I picked a National Trust property that advertised their presence.

Chirk Castle was close enough not to be a chore and there are some very nice scenic routes to get there. I found the guidebook in my collection, it looked rather old fashioned and when I opened up the covers I noticed the pictures were in black and white. When I checked the publication date it said 1985, which got me wondering when exactly was the last time I visited!

The garden was lovely, I don’t remember seeing it before, but there again it is only in recent years that I have started to enjoy gardens so much. Parts of the house are currently being renovated so some of the rooms weren’t open, I particularly missed being able to see the chapel.

The weather was lovely all day despite the forecast of rain showers. When I got back home I noticed it had been raining and when I spoke to my brother he said it was raining on his journey back here.

You will have to wait for the bluebell pictures, I won’t be posting them until after Friday.

In the Distance

PS: I bought the new guidebook and garden guide so I could be up to date.

10 Comments CherryPie on May 3rd 2010

10 Responses to “In Search of Bluebells”

  1. Minnie says:

    It is a lovely spot, Cherie. Well done you for getting away from it all for a while – a beautiful place is really reviving to the spirits. Take care xx

  2. jameshigham says:

    We await the bluebells.

    • CherryPie says:

      Some bluebells and a bee ;-) They were only just coming into bloom so I should have chance to get some more bluebell shots later in the month.

  3. Bernard says:

    I thought you were going to say that you went all that way and they weren’t out.
    A bit like …. me and my Tulips.
    Bluebells vary a lot as to when they open. Here today it is quite cold considering that it is May. Cliveden had a few, very poor, half starved specimens.
    I do know a location, called Christmas Common, which is some years, a sea of blue.
    Should I drive over that way?
    Only to find that, ……. although I am ready, ……They are not!
    Kind regards. B.

    • CherryPie says:

      I thought it was a safe bet that they were out as they were offering bluebell walks next weekend. I think you should go in search of those bluebells :-)

      There were some lovely Tulips a Chirk castle too.

  4. kath says:

    I love Bluebells, there are carpets of them in Quarry woods near Kipper Towers (where Uncle B lives). Sounds like your trip was reviving to the soul, I remember when I psot my Dad, I felt so drained physically and emotionally. I’m glad you found somewhere restorative to be for a while.

    • CherryPie says:

      I do feel rather drained and all the organising of things is a bit wearing too, but hopefully most of that is done now.

  5. Chrissy says:

    I love blubells, we have lots in our garden but they aren’t out properly yet. I think it was good you got out, it is important to take some time out even though you cannot leave it behind.
    I haven’t been to Chirk in years…