
I thought it was about time I shared another old photo. As you can see from our faces the animals were keeping us entertained and making us giggle :-)

Chester Zoo

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

20 Comments CherryPie on Dec 11th 2010

20 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Funny”

  1. That is such a delightful photo Cherie. A nice take on the theme

  2. I like this photo too, not only is it a nice take on the theme, there is a nostalgia aspect there too. A peek into past fashions. . .

  3. Ruth says:

    Fabulous photo!

  4. Lynn says:

    I love the photo especially the reaction of the little boy. Lol!

  5. YTSL says:

    Love how happy and “natural” the three of you all look in the photo. :)

  6. jameshigham says:

    Oh my goodness – what a photo.

  7. Marcie says:

    Timeless…love it!

  8. jameshigham says:

    Still looks good at the end of the day.

  9. Annie says:

    I love this photo! I can tell you all were having fun. :)