
I am not being self indulgent using a photo of me to represent this reason to be glad. My eyes reflect a mirror image of the eyes I would really like to have photographed for this thought. I have a beautiful memory which is only captured in my heart, maybe you can see it in my eyes ;-)

Channel Crossing

24 Comments CherryPie on Jan 11th 2011

24 Responses to “100 Photos 53 :: Sparkling Eyes”

  1. Bernard says:

    A great many of your photos immediately bring to mind ’song titles’ .
    Yesterdays, with raindrops falling down the window, was an instant reminder of a Simon & Garfunkel song, and do you know, I can’t remember which. :(
    Give me time – it will come – I have the LP – I should know it. :)
    Now, today. “Take a pair of sparkling eyes”. Again my olde braine cells are “not what they used to be”! I think this is a Gilbert & Sullivan number, but from which operetta I cannot recall.
    Give me time – it will come – I have the LP – I should know it. :)
    I’m getting old and forgetful. :(

    • CherryPie says:

      Yesterday’s title reminded my of the Sound of Music. I have now got the music “take a pair of sparkling eyes” floating around in my head :-) I can’t remember where it comes from, but I think it is Gilbert & Sullivan :-)

      Let me know if you remember them.

      • Bernard says:

        The Gondoliers. :)
        Still looking for t’other.

        • Bernard says:

          Kathys Song (by S&G) especially this bit..
          “And as I watch the drops of rain
          weave their weary paths and die”.

          I hear the drizzle of the rain,
          like a memory it falls,
          soft and warm, continuing,
          tapping on my roof and walls.

          And from the shelter of my mind,
          through the window of my eyes
          I gaze beyond the rain-drenched streets,
          to England where my heart lies.
          And as I watch the drops of rain
          weave their weary paths and die
          I know that I am like the rain.
          There but for the grace of you go I.

  2. Such intense colour. I love those eyes Cherie

  3. jameshigham says:

    The eyes certainly have it.

  4. Ginnie says:

    Windows to your soul, then, Cherie?! I like that.

  5. kath says:

    Aw, you’re so pretty, what amazing blue eyes!

  6. ubermouth says:

    You really have grab -you-blue eyes, Cherie. :)

  7. Janice says:

    Kind, compassionate and sparkling eyes – any memory that produces a smile like that has got to be a wonderful one to keep forever.

  8. Ellee says:

    What wonderful blue eyes you have :)

  9. liz says:

    What a mysterious post, cherrypie!

    Mona Lisa eyes.