
Some Things Never Change...

For more of this weeks PhotoHunt pictures check out tnchick.

12 Comments CherryPie on Jan 21st 2011

12 Responses to “PhotoHunt – Hands”

  1. One of my legal cases was reported in Private Eye, a journalist friend working on the Paul Foot column in the Daily Mirror would do some moonlighting for them.

    I was challenging the Parole Decision not to direct my release. One of the points I argued referred to was that the psychiatrist member on the Panel fell asleep, and instead of the judge chairing the Panel giving him a dig in the ribs to wake him up, merely tut tutted and turned his back on him! I contended that as he was supposed to be assessing whether I posed a risk to the public, I stated that he could not do that when he was asleep!

    The Master of the Rolls said: “Quite, quite, Mr Hirst, but where does that get us?”

    I looked towards the sole figure in the press gallery before answering the judge, “An entry in Private Eye, Mi’Lud!”.

    • CherryPie says:

      Private Eye does attract some excellent journalists ;-)

      I would like to say I am surprised at the turning a blind eye to the falling asleep but sadly I am not. It seems to be how the British (in)justice system operates.

  2. gengen says:

    Nice entry for the theme. Happy hunting.

  3. ipanema says:

    great idea for the theme.

    happy weekend! :)

  4. Denise says:

    Great idea C – as ever thinking outside the box! Dxx

  5. Marta says:

    Now this is different! Definitely agree with previous comment – ‘out of the box’. More fun than some of the dirty politics I’ve seen recently.

  6. jameshigham says:

    Good to see the issues getting out there.