Muddy water let stand becomes clear.

Lao Tzu (circa 6th century BC)


10 Comments CherryPie on Dec 18th 2011

10 Responses to “Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week”

  1. Lovely peaceful place!

  2. Ginnie says:

    Sounds like something out of the Karate Kid, Cherry. :D

  3. Bernard says:

    Well CherryPie, your stream looks crystal clear from here. :)
    But, on the wall above my PC is a calendar of canal scenes.
    The December picture is of the Bridgewater canal at Worsley basin.
    Because of mining in the area the canal water here is the muddiest in the whole of the British Isles. Red mud from the iron ore.
    The third picture down, on this blog below, shows it well.
    Cheers…Bernard (the deep mine of useless information) :)

    • CherryPie says:

      You are a mine of fascinating information :-) It reminds me of the sea when I was a Staithes, it was black around the shore line. That was obviously from some sort of mining/minerals in the area.

  4. jane says:

    Yes how true. And that would be a beautiful place to stand still.