Sit and Rest a While

This is normally one of my favourite places to sit and watch the world go by when I visit Ironbridge. After all the rain it has a new resident!

8 Comments CherryPie on May 2nd 2012

8 Responses to “Sit and Rest a While”

  1. Doesn’t look very inviting, the bench, does it! If you are not a duck or some other water animal. I love the serenity of the scene. Despite the flooding it looks very peaceful and mellow.

    • CherryPie says:

      It is a lovely place to visit and ’sit and rest awhile’ but sometimes there are too many tourists ;-)

      The flooding is only quite moderate at the moment. If it gets worse I will try and go back to get some more photos.

  2. ivan says:

    Just the place to cool your feet after a long walk – just remember a towel ;)

    • CherryPie says:

      I will remember that in the summer months (especially the towel ;-) ), there are lots of nice walks around the Ironbridge area :-)

  3. Marion says:

    That looks a romantic spot! I guess when the sun shines it would be perfect. We have had flooding as well, due to the heavy rains. It just created a little river in our utility room!!

    • CherryPie says:

      It is a lovely spot, even with the rain and me not being able to sit on that bench without getting wet feet.

      A river in your utility rooms sounds a lot less romantic! I hope you get that sorted out soon :-)

  4. Victoria says:

    Wonderful picture… very nice!