Sadly it was now time to say goodbye to Carcassonne and return to the airport for the journey back home. We took a leisurely drive along the A roads and stopped off in the quaint town of Saint-Papoul in order to visit the abbey. We then continued our journey and stopped at Castelnaudary where we didn’t quite find the cathedral but we did find an unexpected windmill!! Along the way we picked up a cheese and ham baguette for lunch which we ate on a picnic bench at a service station.
After that we made our way back to the airport stopping for petrol on the way before finally dropping of the hire car. After all that we thought we were a little late for checking in but we found we were half an hour early. The flight times had been given in UK times rather than local times
I inadvertently managed to choose a seat that was in the emergency exit isle and was advised on how to open the emergency exit if a problem arose… Then I was asked ‘are you still happy sitting here’. Well of course I was for more than one reason. And in any case there were going to be no problems There was thick cloud throughout the journey until we came into land. At this point we were treated to some amazing cloud formations and gaps creating interesting views of the land below. My camera had been stowed away by this time…
Luck was with us and we were off the plane, baggage collected, onto the shuttle bus to the car within 20 minutes of landing. All that remained was for us to pick up our car key from the airport parking and head for home.
Carcassonne is such a lovely medieval town.
You definitely need more than five days to see this place.
I am going to Matera in Italy for a week next month.
Can’t wait now!!!
Have you been there before?
It left me wanting more so I will be back
Although I will probably stay in a different place next time, to get the full benefit.
I have never been to Matera, I hope you have a great time there
Finding an enexpected windmill is almost better than finding a cathedral, Cherry!
I can tell you had a great trip. So glad you got back safe-n-sound without a hitch.
Thanks Ginnie, I knew you would like the thought of a windmill
I inadvertently managed to choose a seat that was in the emergency exit isle and was advised on how to open the emergency exit if a problem arose… Then I was asked ‘are you still happy sitting here’. Well of course I was for more than one reason.
Ah yes – many a time people have tried to get exit row – much sought after.
But it is not usual to be asked to work the exits in case of emergency. That is a new one on me…
Lovely Abbey, it seems the kind of place I would like to spend a bit more time both with the camera and my thoughts.
It is a lovely abbey and so is the church attached to it.