July Moon

14 Comments CherryPie on Jul 3rd 2012

14 Responses to “July Moon”

  1. Claude says:

    That’s what I call a full moon! I don’t see anything missing except the Man who usually lives there. Maybe he was on holiday?:)

  2. angus dei says:

    Still Mooning then CherryPie:)

    Just like to say that I loved your “holiday” photos from Carcassonne:)

  3. jamsodonnell says:

    Always good to see the full moon!

  4. Andrew says:

    It looks like a hole in the sky

    • CherryPie says:

      Now that you come to mention it, it does… Perhaps I should have taken more care, I could have been beamed up any minute!!

  5. Claire says:

    It can be hard to take a good moon photo but this one is lovely. Keep on mooning!! oops sorry had to say it!! :)

  6. james higham says:

    Appropriate given the current state of affairs.

    • CherryPie says:

      I am not sure I am following your exact train of thoughts…

      It isn’t quite a full moon either, there was a sliver missing. The full moon is tonight, but it is to cloudy to see anything!

      Also nobody had noticed the shadow moon, to the right and underneath…

  7. Watch out ladies!
    Did you see many werewolves? ;)