Cannon Balls

16 Comments CherryPie on Jul 11th 2012

16 Responses to “Cannon Balls”

  1. Jan L Frayne says:

    Love it! The combination of textures and shapes combine perfectly.

  2. Andrew says:

    A lovely shot with the way the light has been caught

  3. jamsodonnell says:

    That’s quite a selection of cannonballs. I like how they are displayed

  4. These cannon balls have been there for too long…
    … And they turned into petrified balls. HA!

  5. Actual come to think about the canon ball is pretty curd looking. In the movie they make them look all pretty and shinning…coffee is on.

  6. james higham says:

    That’s really wonderful. Must steal it for the collection.

  7. J_on_tour says:

    The exposure and lighting are outstanding