All things are full of signs, and it is a wise man who can learn about one thing from another.
Plotinus (205 – 270)
Random thoughts and photos of my journey through life…
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All things are full of signs, and it is a wise man who can learn about one thing from another.
Plotinus (205 – 270)
Tags: Hills, Shropshire, Snow, The Burway, The Long Mynd
13 Comments CherryPie on Jan 20th 2013
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But for those of us not quite so wise, we bumble along.
The trick for the not so wise is for them to learn in the hopes of becoming wise.
Life is for learning
Forty years ago I saw a sign at Church Stretton saying “Steep Hill”.
I was on my bike and thought – I have ten gears – I can get up anything.
I was not wise then. I did get up Long Mynd, but only after a long push.
We were booked into the YHA hostel for that night, so it was ‘up’ or nothing! (Or a nights kip on the roadside).
As a wise man – I wouldn’t attempt it now.
I am impressed that you managed to cycle up there!!!
I might have tried to walk up, but cycle… Never!
Cycling, walking or even driving alongside those scary precipices is well worth it for the views you get on the way up or down
It sounds a bit like following the dots, Cherry. I like that.
It does doesn’t it?
Cherie, I love your snow. I miss it, although, in ten years in England, I only lived through one significant fall. It’s not stopped since I left. I spent my childhood and university years in the UK. It seems like the snow just dwindled away. As a five year old, I opened the front door and a mountain of snow fell on top of me. (just a drift, obviously)
Now I feel the heat. I don’t like extreme heat, but I do appreciate light, reliable sun, and the ability to do stuff and plan events. Given the choice, I would have stayed put. Still, I pine, but all my immediate family is here.
I still watch out for your banter on JH’s blog. I’m thrilled by your resistance to the usual cant. Sometimes you can’t win commenting on a blog which is read, in the main, by supporters/twits/ disappointed males who have had bad experiences.
Anyway, my kind person, because that is how I imagine you . We forget at our peril, that fifty percent of the brightest and best were excluded from participating as equals, in the professions for such a long time.. The world has opened up for young women and that is not something that can be reversed.
To me, it’s obvious. Let the men do their share of the child rearing. If the woman is the most employable, let her earn the most. Let the man assume the role as main carer. And vice versa.
The real problem, as I see it, as a woman who went to university (when most did not) is that the old system worked like a dream when the women did all the child rearing. Now that we have to have two wages to survive, it helps to have a clever woman. How do you fix society? I have no idea. But, this I do know. It is not the fault of women.
My wonderful Daddy was a doctor. He cared for everybody. My brothers were ushered into the professions and his daughters encouraged to be pianists/violinists. He thought it hilarious that his daughters were more academic than his sons. He loved ‘his girls’.
He has been a long time dead. I truly believe he would have changed his mind.
We don’t get snow like we used to. I remember it when it used to drift up well above the hedgerows and it was quite intimidating whilst driving along the road between the drifts on either side. Now it is mostly the wet variety with very thin flakes and it thawing almost as fast as it is settling. It leaves the paths and roads in an awful mess.
No things can’t go back the way they were and most of the men I know enjoy being able to spend quality time with their kids. I find all the blaming the woman for everything rather strange as I would if the man got blamed for everything.
It is always nice to hear a little more about you
Luvly photos…and on previous articles…I don’t know how you do it.
However, concerning all that snow, etc, a thought comes to mind…where else would it come, what a strange phrase… erm..
Now that the man-made-global-warming non-sense, has transmogrified into “climate-change”, which in the very near future will be proven to be part of the coming global war for strategic reserves, aided by Haarp, (now installed in places you just wouldn’t believe) …. and a panoply of serious technologies (which harness serious “numbers”) that no-one at this point dare even mention, …. when are the population going to demand that we STOP paying “green taxes”, and demand a refund of those paid to date, and the heads of those at al-beeb, east anglia, and all the other door-knobs who proved to be very wealthy parasites over the previous 2-3 decades????
I notice that Toll roads now figure in considerable bleatings from the current crop of parasites…..I remember in the late ’80s, early ’90s, when the conservatives were taking “advice” from a Rothschild bank, who incidently had their own man in the cabinet, that Toll roads were a proposed answer to the problem. Nothing changes from the parasites, does it. ……. Oh, and by the way, it was proxies for the Rothschild dynasty that put foreward the idea of green taxes and global warming, and a whole host of bull-sh*t yet to be revealed, many decades ago. But then nothing can change when the UK current door knob (chancellor) spent his summer hols on a boat on the med, with mandy mandelson, and a member of the Rothschilds dynasty, who also owned the “boat”
Suzie…. strong words, and so correct. I hope you are using your intellect to look behind the curtain at the REAL problems, and the REAL REASONS for those problems.
“The incredulity of the sheep prevent them from realising the true motivation of the shepherd”
Don’t want to hijack the thread, or overall meme of your blog, Cherry. Please delete if you prefer.
Oh, and Happy New Year, Cherry.
Thank you It is nice to hear from you again
The amount of snow falling has reminded me of the following comment I wrote at the end of one of my blog posts:
Let’s hope the weather has a change of heart before the Winter months, we certainly wouldn’t want that level of deluge falling as snow…
Rather than give money back they seem to be taking more and more away at every opportunity. It is the old adage the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
I best finish with a happy comment (you know me )
Happy New Year to you too
Thank you Altean, you are too kind.
I do think about the real problems all the time. I have three sons and I love them dearly. I have a daughter and I love her equally. They are all grown up/or very nearly there, and they have all had the same love and care and opportunity.
I wish we could forget about gender, while allowing that biology dictates that the women give birth to the children, once they are born they have two parents. It’s a nonsense to suggest that the mother has always to be the primary carer. A lot of men today relish their role as proactive parents and wouldn’t want to go back to the olden days.
I have worked as a scientist, all my life. I’m not a writer, or did you already know that? I believe in people, boys and girls working together, competing, or is that a dirty word?. I absolutely believe in equality of opportunity.
I have only come across the term ‘parachutee’ in a blog. It is a silly term used to describe women (mainly) who are supposedly unworthy. I think I may be one of that hated breed, but this much I know. I will always choose the best person for a job, I will always appreciate honesty and diligence, but above all I want to see the raw talent. When I see that, I am hardly aware of whether I am dealing with a girl or a boy. It’s all about ideas. That comes in all shapes and sizes.
So, clearly I’m not a writer, but I am a person of principle. Next week I will interview six men and five women. There are four jobs. They will go to the best four, as I see it, which is obviously somewhat subjective. Male, female, lesbian, gay, I don’t give a damn. I just need the best mind and someone who will fit in with the team.
So meaningful.
But some signs are not easy to see.
Those signs are the challenging ones, all the more worthwhile when you do see them!