The Servants' Quarters

The Servants' Quarters

The guide book says that it is rumoured servants who were tardy would be asked to sleep in the bedroom beneath the clock tower.. The clock chimed on the hour every hour.

18 Comments CherryPie on Feb 24th 2013

18 Responses to “The Servants’ Quarters”

  1. Frida says:

    That must have been torture :-) A beautiful building though.

  2. Bong, bong, bong!
    Ha… That would certainly wake me up on Monday mornings!

  3. >The Shepherd’s Monument

    Can’t leave you a message there. :(

    It just needs a bit of TLC. :)

    • CherryPie says:

      Oh dear I didn’t realise my blog had thrown a wobbly and didn’t allow comments on that post!!

      I think I have sorted the problem now…

      I am rather fond of that monument, it is quirky ;-)

  4. rusty duck says:

    Worse places to be a servant..

  5. james higham says:

    Just been looking for the Shepherd’s Monument but it appears to have disappeared, Cherie.

  6. james higham says:

    Ah, it’s there now.

  7. Astrid says:

    That will keep you quiet….. I would have to put in the earplugs then…
    Beautiful building though.

  8. Barbara says:

    True but at least you would know the time when waking up!! We used to stay at a friends place with a chiming Grandfather clock outside the bedroom door. They said they got so used to it they did not hear it. Always turned off for us.

    • CherryPie says:

      I used to live next door to a railway track. I didn’t hear the trains not even the heavy goods trains in the middle of the night.

      The only time I could hear them is if I sat and listened when I knew one was due to arrive. I could then hear it rumbling in the distance from several miles away.

  9. liz says:

    Oooh, evil!