The Clock Tower

The clock tower is situated just above the Cragside formal garden. When I visit Cragside, I always visit the formal garden first. It allows me to enjoy it in relative quiet before most of the visitors arrive.

The clock tower originates from the 1860s and was the estate time piece and the pay office. Staff received their weekly pay in small, numbered, timber boxes about 4in (10cm) square. At the peak of construction there were more than 300 staff working at Cragside: gardeners, stone masons, carpenters, gamekeepers and labourers, all working a twelve-hour day. Under the watchful eye of William Bertram, the Estate Manager, this simple system ensured that all were properly paid. *

Sit & Rest a While

*From Cragside Garden Leaflet.

8 Comments CherryPie on Feb 10th 2014

8 Responses to “The Clock Tower at Cragside”

  1. Claude says:

    What a great setting!

  2. james higham says:

    There’s a bench to rest awhile.

  3. I love this tranquil setting.

  4. J_on_tour says:

    The framing and light on that first one are quite magnificent, well done.