
Wallington is the home to generations of the Blackett and Trevelyan families.  Over the years these two families altered the house and the surrounding landscape:

Today the Wallington estate consists of 13,500 acres of land, 15 farms and the village of Cambo, Wallington is still home to over 100 households and continues to be a family affair.*


*From Wallington literature.

6 Comments CherryPie on Mar 6th 2014

6 Responses to “Wallington – A Family Affair”

  1. Ginnie says:

    That is a HUGE estate, Cherry. It’s hard to wrap my head around it, as an American!

  2. You are making full use of your NT member card! ;)
    What’s next? :)

  3. J_on_tour says:

    You were fortunate to get that second shot with no-one in the photo !

    • CherryPie says:

      It was raining…

      I dropped lucky for the photo opportunity, but not so lucky for exploring the grounds.

      Balance :-) Taking the rough with the smooth.