
4 Comments CherryPie on Apr 5th 2015

4 Responses to “The Resurrection of Jesus”

  1. james higham says:

    And this is what the day is all about. Regaining Grace.

    • CherryPie says:

      I see this day as a celebration. It lead to Jesus being released from his suffering on earth to be at one with God. He left as his legacy a seed (a message, a teaching). The people of the time were not ready for it. The people of our time are not ready for it either.

  2. J_on_tour says:

    Happy Easter Cherie.

    One of these days I’ll prepare an Easter post myself, it’s escaped me for another year as it’s difficult finding subject material in the blog concept I follow. I’m usually at home for Easter anyway due to Bass Guitar commitments for Easter Sunday church service. Thanks for sharing the last few posts on the theme.

    • CherryPie says:

      Happy Easter to you too J :-)

      It is the other way around for me. If I am at home extended family commitments mean that I do not get to an Easter service (it is also why I don’t get to the Christmas services either). Mr C decided he wanted to go away for Easter this year and for some reason he had the idea of Lincoln as a destination. I said that if we went to Lincoln I would want to attend an Easter Sunday service in the Cathedral. The service was wonderful :-)