A human being is part of the whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separate from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.
Albert Einstein
All very profound. Who does he think he is? Albert Einstein?
Of course
Optical delusion of consciousness, eh?
And God said, “let there be Light”, and there was light, and it was Good. Einstein said, “By crikey, look how fast it goes !!”
(OK, Einstein didn’t say it quite that way)
Maybe an optical delusion of time
Then Hawking said “I AM God, I could’ve created light” (while still asking us to believe that the origin of our current universe had no master theoretical physicist to begin these chain reactions
The creator is the most important aspect of everything
Einstein probably had no idea back then how timely those words would be TODAY. WOW. And what a magnificent image for the quote, Cherry.
A man ahead of his time?
That was a lot of slow reading for me… Albert knew what he was saying, even today it will make sense. Wonderful picture. Great DOF
It is a thought that needs time to digest and consider
I am glad you like the photo I think it works with the quote…
I must smell like carbon.
Cos we’re all made of stardust.
Do you smell like magnesium?
Can we explore the we ‘feel’ like? I have no sense of smell
Was this said before or after Einstein wrote the letter to Roosevelt asking the US to look into atomic physics because he incorrectly believed the Nazis were already building an atomic bomb?
In all fairness, he regretted that decision later, and I agree with him, here – staring at our own prior scars too long prevents us from seeing the full beauty of others
Einstein was a ’seeing’ man of his time. Sometimes the ’seeing’ gets muddle up with the politics of the time.
And that can lead to regrets…
Oh this is my song…what I have been working toward….I just wrote a poem recently about this very topic.
I am glad you find the quote inspirational
Feel free to share your poem here
Lovely daily quote. We would suffer less ills in the world and internal conflicts if we focused on becoming more in tune with nature( said in a totally NON-flaky tone, of course).
Yes we should respect an look after our natural resources