
During my July visit to Salisbury I was rather taken with Roly’s Fudge Pantry’s presentation of Stonehenge. An article from the Salisbury Journal provided more information:

STONEHENGE has had a tasty makeover in time for National Fudge Day which takes place today [June 16, 2016].

Roly’s Fudge Pantry has unveiled what is dubbed as ‘Fudgehenge’ for the special occasion and is made entirely from the shop’s best-selling Vanilla Clotted Cream.

The idea for ‘Fudgehenge’ was dreamt up by former PR and marketing directors, Steven Jones and Sarah Orton the co-owners of Roly’s Fudge Pantry Salisbury, when they observed how many of their customers visited Stonehenge and Salisbury Cathedral.

Steven said: “Stonehenge is one of the most visited tourist attractions in the UK and less than 10 miles away, with many people combining a visit to both the famous prehistoric site with a visit to the cathedral built in 1220. We thought ‘Fudgehenge’ would be an amusing point of interest for thousands of international visitors that will flock past our window this summer on the way into Salisbury Cathedral.”

The model took Sarah several hours to construct with the help of photographs, a sharp knife and cocktail sticks to balance the fudge arches. Now Roly’s Fudge Pantry plans to display the ‘Fudgehenge’ sculpture in its High Street shop window until the end of Augusst.

At the time of the display  Roly’s Fudge Pantry were running a ‘Guess the Weight of Fudgehenge’ competition.

14 Comments CherryPie on Jan 13th 2017

14 Responses to “Fudgehenge”

  1. The Yum List says:

    If I can’t visit the real thing… I might be happy with this version too.

  2. Sigrun says:



  3. wiggia says:

    The model took Sarah several hours to construct

    and seconds to dismantle and eat !

  4. james higham says:

    Wheeee, that’s my kinda henge.

  5. Ayush says:

    it looks too good to eat actually!

  6. This is TeaseHenge! ;)