A Room with a View

A Rainy View

I have just returned from a few days away. The weather was mostly kind to us :-)

14 Comments CherryPie on Jun 9th 2017

14 Responses to “A Room with a View”

  1. Amfortas says:

    It looks very English out there :)

    • CherryPie says:

      It was very English out there;-) The rain kindly held back until we were inside, the wind however was ferocious. Lots of tree damage with leaves and branches all over the road, more like autumn than spring…

  2. James Higham says:

    You have the loveliest rooms at your place.

  3. ....peter:) says:

    it is a lovely room Cherie… i guess that a rainy day in England is still a fine day….peter:)

  4. Astrid says:

    I read the comments and replies, this looks cozy to hide from the rain and the wind… we had those strong winds too and indeed many branches on the road and even some roads on dikes were closed, too dangerous for cars, some would be blown away.. :(

  5. Ayush says:

    i hope people remember the ceiling once they arise from those chairs, CP.

  6. Hels says:

    An art exhibition called “Rooms with a View: The Open Window in the C19th” was held in the Special Exhibition Galleries, Metropolitan Museum of Art New York, way back in 2011. The theme is still an evocative one.

    thanks for the link

    • CherryPie says:

      That sounds like a really interesting exhibition.

      I could start my own gallery off with posts I have done on ‘A Room with a View’.

  7. >The weather was mostly kind to us

    Ha ha… really? I like the way you phrased it! ;)