
I walk to my Thursday volunteering session at my local school whatever the weather. Usually the weather is kind to me but today it was a little damp.

Later in the day we dined out at the Bear Inn, Hodnet for a birthday celebration.




4 Comments CherryPie on May 16th 2024

4 Responses to “What A Difference A Day Makes”

  1. Pradeep says:

    The birthday celebration has surely cheered up a damp start to the day!

  2. Mandy says:

    Those dishes look like works of art! How lovely.

    Well done on walking no matter the weather. My South African friend told me she now goes out in the rain or cloudy weather after learning I was regularly running in the rain in England in December.

    • CherryPie says:

      I have to admit I struggle to go out for a walk when it is raining. But walking for a purpose, my volunteering role makes all the difference. I will walk whatever the weather.