Mahomet Weyonoman Memorial

In 1736 Mahomet Weyonomon, a Mohegan Sachem (chief), died in Alsermanbury in the City of London. He was 36 years old. Foreigners could not be buried near St Saviour’s church, now Southwark Cathedral. The exact location of the grave is inknown. The sculpture behind you is his memorial.

Mahomet’s presence in London was the result of injustice and exloitation. His tribe had helped the first settlers in New England survive bitter cold and repel Indian attacks. The Mohegans became allies of the English but settlers began to steal tribal lands. Despite support for the Mohegan cause from Queen Anne’s Commissioners in1705, the lands were not returned.

Mahomet sailed to Lond in 1735 with three supporters to petition King George II for the return of the stolen lands. While awaiting an audience, Captain John Mason and Mahomet contracted smallpox and died.

This memorial was erected at the request of the Mohegan tribe to honour a fallen chief. A stone was brought from Mohegan lands and carved with forms that reflect ancient custom by Peter Randall-Page. It was unveiled by Her Majesty The Queen, accompanied by The Duke of Edinburgh, on 22nd November 2006 with the tribal chairman Bruce Two Dogs Bozsum and the U.S. Ambassador – symbolically granting the audience Mahomet never received.*

Mahomet Weyonoman

*from a sign board next to the memorial (see photo for further detail)

8 Comments CherryPie on Aug 5th 2024

8 Responses to “Seeking Justice From The Crown”

  1. History repeating itself.
    What is going on in your country right now?!

  2. Shabana says:

    hope all is with you and your hubby dear Cherie
    my power and internet has been interrupted recently
    i hope your mom is well by the grace of God as well !

    i enjoyed learning about history of Mehomat

    • CherryPie says:

      I am sorry that you are having internet problems. It is always frustrating when that happens.

      Mum has another health issue to add to her problems and her arm has not fully recovered from the break. A trapped nerve is suspected.

      Love to you and your family.

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