… around Britain by Church

Steeple Chasing by Peter Ross

Synopsis from the book cover:

Churches are all around us. Their steeples remain landmarks in our towns, villages and cities, even as their influence and quthority has waned. They contain art and architectural wonders – one huge gallery scattered, like a hanful of jewels, across these isles.


The book meanders through through Britain exploring churches and sharing their history, art, nature and people. It was lovely to revisit old gems and see them through the eyes of others and learn new things about them. I was also introduced to new churches that I am tempted to visit. After my recent visit to Southwark Cathedral I returned to the book to re-read Peter’s experiences of the Cathedral, he is right; the Cathedral is an oasis of calm in contrast to the hustle and bustle surrounding it.

6 Comments CherryPie on Aug 13th 2024

6 Responses to “Steeple Chasing by Peter Ross”

  1. lisl says:

    That must go on my book wish list, Cherie, though I must admit I have many Church books already

    • CherryPie says:

      I liked the book for thoughts of some of the churches and places I have been. It tempts me to visit some of those that I have yet to visit.

  2. Oh did you see St Alfege Church in Greenwich?
    Henry VIII was baptised there.

  3. I have that book on my kindle but I haven’t read it yet. I wasn’t so keen on his book A Tomb with a View. It was ok but I didn’t feel it lived up to the rave reviews it received.