Attingham Park

It was a welcome joy to be able to go for a walk after my afternoon volunteering at Attingham Park. It was my first walk at Attingham for several weeks. Due to planned surgery mum has had several medical appointments each week and a stay in hospital after the surgery. Mum is home now but the appointments continue…

This means I am a little behind on my Walk 1000 miles challenge but I hope to retrieve the missing steps before the end of the year.

Attingham Park

Attingham Park

Attingham Park

Attingham Park

7 Comments CherryPie on Sep 24th 2024

7 Responses to “Autumnal Attingham”

  1. lisl says:

    I like your section of pictures, and hope you will make up the miles soon

  2. Pradeep says:

    I hope your mum is recovering well from surgery and that things settle down soon for both of you. Good luck with catching up on your Walk 1000 Miles challenge

  3. I saw pumpkins for Halloween at Morisson’s two weeks ago.
    But Christmas chocolates came out earlier than those pumpkins. ;)