The Font, St Albans Cathedral

This font holds water for baptisms. Baptism marks the start of the Christian life, when someone becomes a follower of Jesus Christ. A prist blesses the water and pours it over the person’s head as a symbol of this new faith.

The font was made in 1934 and its huge cover shows the four gospel writers who tell the story of Jesus in the Bible. the large Paschal (Easter) Candle often stands nearby – a new one is lit every Easter Eve. This was the traditional time for baptisms but now adults and children are baptised throughout the year.*

*From an information board next to the font.

4 Comments CherryPie on Jan 25th 2025

4 Responses to “The Font, St Albans Cathedral”

  1. Hels says:

    Was there a font before 1934? If not, did families take their children to other churches for baptisms?

  2. Mandy says:

    Lovely. I’ve not been inside St Albans Catherdral so it’s nice to see the detail

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