Nr Apley Woods

I was home alone, the sun had its hat on and was calling me out on an adventure. I could only adventure from my doorstop due to my car being poorly. My car broke down a few days ago when I was driving home after visiting my mum who is currently in a care home recuperating from a recent (recurring) illness. I digress (I will save the car adventure for another post).

As I stepped out on my sunny afternoon walk, I realised why I have not been inspired to go for a local walk. Most of my walks take me past the hospital where on and off for the past year has meant mums hospital appointments and visiting mum in hospital.

The thought was hidden in my subconsciousness. Now that the thought has become unlocked, I will enjoy seeking out new pathways that link to my favourite places.

My sunny afternoon walk took me through Woodhenge, along the Silken Way to Apley Woods. I was surprised to find that the duckpond had overflowed onto the nearby pathway. Also, the felling of trees near to the new housing development has made that part of the nature reserve rather stark and exposed.

Apley Woods

Apley Woods

Apley Woods

My walking route included two of my favourite trees which I share with you.

Apley Woods

2 Comments CherryPie on Feb 3rd 2025

2 Responses to “Sunday Sunshine”

  1. lisl says:

    So good to get back to a well-loved walk, Cherie

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