Archive for the 'York 2020' Category
Filed under Holidays, York 2018, York 2020
Changing of the Guard (Bear)
14 Comments CherryPie on Mar 5th 2020
Filed under Heritage, Holidays, York 2020
York City Walls…
… A solo walk in pictures
6 Comments CherryPie on Feb 25th 2020
Filed under Holidays, York 2020
York Ice Trail 2020
My walk around the ice trail was split between two days. As walking goes it was unsatisfactory there were far to many people around.
The ice sculptures were fabulous and after a walk what could be better than cake in Bettys Cafe Tea rooms .
4 Comments CherryPie on Feb 22nd 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, York 2020
York – Day Three
I was subliminally aware as I drifted in and out of sleep that there was a lot of activity going on in the hotel rooms and corridors. After a while I found my glasses and a torch (the room was dark) and looked at my watch to see what time it was. It was 8.15, [...]
16 Comments CherryPie on Feb 19th 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, York 2020
Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week
Time expands, then contracts, and in tune with the stirrings of the heart .
Haruki Murakami
16 Comments CherryPie on Feb 16th 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Holidays, York 2020
York – Day Two
Feeling refreshed after a good night’s sleep, it was time for breakfast. The cooked-to-order breakfast was delicious although I missed my fresh fruit options for a pre-breakfast starter.
After breakfast Mr C attended Vapnartak 2020 (a wargames show). It was my plan to walk York City walls whilst he was enjoying his hobby and despite the [...]
8 Comments CherryPie on Feb 15th 2020