…Priest-Hole Maker
Synopsis (from the back of the book):
During the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I it was high treason, and therefore meant death, to be a Catholic priest in England. It was consequently vital that there be somewhere to hide when the pursuivants came battering at the door. One name is prominent in the [...]
Archive for the tag 'Book Review'
Filed under Books, Faith Foundations, Heritage
St Nicholas Owen… by Tony Reynolds
8 Comments CherryPie on Sep 8th 2017
A Mystery Explained…
Synopsis: (from book preface by The Duke of Northumberland 1983)
It is approximately 4000 years ago that our remote ancestors, who are sometimes known as the ‘Beaker People’ because of the distinctively decorated cinerary urns they fashioned to contain ashes of the dead, incised markings on the sandstone rocks of Northumberland, which are generally [...]
2 Comments CherryPie on Aug 9th 2017
…Museums & Heritage Sites
I picked up a copy of this book whilst I was on my recent holiday to Colwall. It was like welcoming back an old friend. I used to buy a copy of this every year, it was always an inspiration for new places to visit both at home and whilst on holiday. [...]
4 Comments CherryPie on Jun 23rd 2017
The true story of Trevor Bowyer, DFC, gunner in RAF Bomber Command during World War Two
Synopsis (from the book cover):
This vividly powerful and absorbing biography of an RAF rear gunner during World War Two is told with both sensitivity and humour.
With accounts from some of Trevor’s contemporaries, including Marshal of the Royal Air Force, Sir [...]
8 Comments CherryPie on Mar 2nd 2017
… Calendars, Sundials, and Stone Chambers of Ancient Ireland
Synopsis (from the book cover):
Older than the pyramids and predating Stonehenge by at least a thousand years, the stone complexes of ancient Ireland have been extensively excavated and studied, ye they have refused to give up their mystery. Archaeologists have speculated that the chambers were tombs. Art [...]
4 Comments CherryPie on Feb 7th 2017
Filed under Books, Holidays, Wells 2016
Hidden Stonehenge: by Gordon R. Freeman
… Ancient Temple In North America Reveals The Key To Ancient Wonders
When I visited Stonehenge I was tempted and bought this book from the shop.
More than 30 years ago on the remote plains of southern Alberta, Canada, scientist Gordon Freeman discovered a Sun Temple. His study of the site led him to find incredible similarities [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Jan 12th 2017
Synopsis from the book cover:
Truth is stranger than fiction. And nowhere in literature is it so apparent as in this classic work, The Autobiography of a Hunted Priest. This autobiography of a Jesuit priest in Elizbethan England is most remarkable document and John Gerard, its author, a most remarkable priest in a time when to [...]
18 Comments CherryPie on May 25th 2015