Take a stroll in the labyrinthine ‘grand gardens in miniature’ now restored to their Victorian heyday. Enjoy the garden vistas and discover enchanting features like the pleasure grounds with their fountain centrepiece or the classical summerhouse or the fern dell and pet cemetery.
With snowdrops and winter evergreens, spring tulips and laburnum and summer roses and [...]
Archive for the tag 'Brodsworth Hall'
Filed under Gardens, Harrogate 2020, Heritage, Holidays
Brodsworth Hall Gardens
6 Comments CherryPie on Nov 29th 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Harrogate 2020, Holidays
Harrogate – Day Four
The service we received at breakfast was particularly attentive. As a change from previous days I chose scrambled egg on sour dough toast. I found it to be a delicious combination of flavours.
After breakfast we checked out and headed towards Brodsworth Hall and Gardens for which we had a pre-booked ticket. On our way there [...]
2 Comments CherryPie on Oct 11th 2020