Archive for the tag 'Dad'
Filed under This & That
Birthday Thoughts
Thinking of my dad on the anniversary of his birth
What Is A Dad?
A dad is someone who
wants to catch you before you fall
but instead picks you up,
brushes you off,
and lets you try again.
A dad is someone who
wants to keep you from making mistakes
but instead lets you find your own way,
even though his heart [...]
4 Comments CherryPie on Jul 15th 2015
Filed under Anecdotes
Tree of Light
At the beginning of December many Rotary clubs throughout the United Kingdom launch their annual ‘Tree of Light’. The concept of the ‘Tree of Light’ was introduced into Shropshire from South Africa in the 1990s by a county Rotarian. For many years, since its inception, my father was a member of the small committee of [...]
8 Comments CherryPie on Dec 1st 2014
Filed under Anecdotes
Father & Daughter
Thinking of my dad on the anniversary of his birth
10 Comments CherryPie on Jul 15th 2014
Filed under Anecdotes, This & That
Cherie’s Place – Thought for the Week
What Is A Dad?
A dad is someone who
wants to catch you before you fall
but instead picks you up,
brushes you off,
and lets you try again.
A dad is someone who
wants to keep you from making mistakes
but instead lets you find your own way,
even though his heart breaks in silence
when you get hurt.
A dad is someone [...]
12 Comments CherryPie on Jun 15th 2014
Filed under Anecdotes
A Curious Incident…
On Saturday evening a good friend came round to visit. There was lots of chatting, board games and a demonstration of Japanese medical skills and the next thing I knew it was 4.30 in the morning!!
The result of this late night/early morning meant I was rather lethargic during Sunday morning. But I was forced to [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Jan 7th 2013
Filed under This & That
Photo Magic
I know I have posted this one before (several years ago…), but I came across it again whilst I was browsing through my photo files. I thought I would apply a little bit of photo magic to it and see how it came out.
12 Comments CherryPie on Aug 12th 2012