Edited by Helen Moore and Julian Reid
Manifold Greatness: the Making of the King James Bible tells the story of the commissioning and translation of the King James version of the Bible, first published in 1611. It is richly illustrated with early printed books, manuscripts, artifacts and archival material, such as an annotated Bishops’ Bible of [...]
Archive for the tag 'King James'
16 Comments CherryPie on Mar 23rd 2015
Filed under Art, Heritage, Holidays, Oxford 2014
King James
Anthony Wood has given us, along with a detailed description of the carvings, the sad story of the shabby treatment which this magnificent spectacle received at the King’s hands.” ‘The effigies of King James’ he writes’ was cut very curiously in stone, sitting in a throne and giving with his right hand a book to [...]
10 Comments CherryPie on Mar 19th 2015