The Stray dates back to 1778 when it was created from the forest of Knaresborough to link of Harrogate’s springs together in one area. Since the late 16th Century countless springs had been discovered around Harrogate and deemed to have medicinal properties for their high quantities of Sulphur, iron and other minerals.
Over the years [...]
Archive for the tag 'West Park Hotel'
Filed under Harrogate 2020, Heritage, Holidays
The Stray – Harrogate
12 Comments CherryPie on Oct 21st 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Harrogate 2020, Holidays
Harrogate – Day Two
After a good nights sleep it was time to sample the hotel breakfast. In all sorts of ways, it was a vast improvement on the offering during our recent stay in a Cotswold’s hotel. There were several choices of cooked items and a continental option. I chose the continental option and was served with granola, [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Oct 6th 2020
Filed under Anecdotes, Harrogate 2020, Holidays
Harrogate – Day One
We stopped off for a mid morning cup of tea before making our way to Doncaster Air Museum We hoped that we would find somewhere for lunch along the way. No opportunities presented themselves and when we arrived at the museum we found that lunch options were limited to snacks and crisps. We passed on [...]
6 Comments CherryPie on Oct 5th 2020
Filed under Harrogate 2020, Holidays
Another Room…
…another view
2 Comments CherryPie on Sep 20th 2020